Sunday, March 18, 2012

A day in photos.

Are you sick of our monthly photos yet? No oh good. I'm glad cause we are still doing FatMumslims challenges and if I haven't persuaded you to try a month long challenge maybe this new one might be one for you.

While I am still focusing on the listed moments for each day, I saw somewhere that they were doing a daily challenge. Every hour for the day take a photo and capture your moment. Somehow in my mind agreeing to do 12 hours might be easier than 30 days right?

I thought about it and threw it in the back of my mind, but this morning as I laid in bed after Matt left at 7:00 am, that I was going to try it today. I really didn't have a whole lot planned, so I set reminders on my phone every hour (without this I would not have done it!! Almost every time the alarm went off I had to think why it was going off). So here is my day by the hour: (If you get bored it won't hurt my feelings)

Morning yoga. I try to get to it a few times a week. If I get to it before the kids wake up it is so much easier. Milo thinks its funny to sit on my back. Not funny when I'm concentrating on balancing. I got about. 1/2 way thru- then they awoke.
Ps- Sarah Morris, if you read this, I miss your yoga. Videos at home are just not the same, and I don't do it nearly as much as I should. So move back will ya?

Green eggs for breakfast. A couple weeks ago saige's teacher asked for a cookie cutter for Dr. Seuss's Bday. I was so glad she reminded me and we planned out a fun breakfast to celebrate. (I will share the whole day later!)

The kids were a little surprised and taken back. Milo loved them, Saige reluctantly ate them but told me several times how much she would have rather had cream of wheat.

After breakfast and bath time we came back to find Bull practicing a little yoga. Most times if I'm doing yoga and he comes out and tries to kick me off the mat so he can lay on it! Makes it a little difficult!!

The dreaded dishes. I wish these things would just load themselves. I spend too much time over at this sink. I guess that's the disadvantage to cooking.

This was part of our Dr. Seuss celebration. Ms. Dawn did a crazy hair day and Saige came up with this all on her own!! It turned out great.

Taking my crazy haired girlie to school. She has me pretend I'm the private driver for the smith family. She has me ask her where she is headed, and she likes to tell me where to go. It's been a good way to learn left and right so I play along. She won't let me walk her down, as I am just the driver. Oh the imagination on this girl.

Cleaning. Dog hair has become my biggest enemy. So my Miele vacuum and I really are best friends. Love this thing.

Oh don't worry. Still cleaning. One disadvantage to having wood floors throughout the house- sweeping, and mopping are required.

Ms. Dawn's cookie creations. She did such a good job, especially since this cutter was really a candle we stretched! I may have eaten all 4 by myself. True story.

I decided to start painting my kitchen. Saige helped me tag the wall first. I think with her help it was way more of a headache but she loved it. So it was worth it.

Finished the calendar wall. Painted the wall and baseboards. Glad to have that part done- cant wait to show the final product! This is going to be our family calendar!!

Milo crashed right into his chair and gave him a bloody lip. Poor kid could not get it to stop. Finally when it stopped he decided to eat salty tortilla chips! Ouch!

Still painting!! Loving the changes and the color and light it's added!!

Finally finished painting and we headed out for some sushi. Saige's pick!!

Checking out my newly painted wall, and what in the world happened to my clean house. I guess when the Mom starts a project, everyone else makes a mess!!

Climbing into bed with my hubby and some mindless show. Good to be in bed.

Overall I had fun!! Much much much harder than the monthly challenge. One photo a day is easier than every hour. It was sometimes silly, all the cleaning ones, but fun to see what we did in one day!!

Hope you enjoyed our day. Still painting, so come stop by!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute idea! I dont think I would be successful with that one. So I'm happy you were able to do it! Love the green wall, SUPER cute, I cant wait to see it in person! Paint is amazing right?
