Sunday, November 20, 2011

Donuts big debut

Remember my post a few back about baked donuts? Well our episode on My Craft Channel, with the amazingly talented Britney from One Charming Party, about a fun alternative to Thanksgiving desserts- the baked donut!  Check it out here and if you missed the first one, all about caramel apples you can catch up here.

But I have found even more ideas, so here you go, please keep drooling to a minimum, and if you make any of these please let me know if they tasted as yummy as they look.... i love baking season!

Pumpkin Baked Donuts found here

A variety of donuts from so they cannot be bad right? Found Here.

Chocolate Iced, Found Here

And lets all be honest, we would all love to be the donut queen! Found here


Monday, November 7, 2011

Yo yo Matt

Happy Birthday Matt! You are the greatest and we are so excited to have a day to just celebrate you!

Saige says her most favorite thing to do with you is snuggling with you on the couch:

(he does make a great cuddle partner)
And Milo says his favorite is to go shoot bows with you so you can teach him how.

My favorite thing is that you would do anything for me! I know I am not the easiest person to live with, but you will do whatever you can to help me. You make me so happy and I cannot think of life without you in it.

We love everything about you, and your ability to be such a good friend to everyone you are around. And just your natural charm that gets everyone around you laughing and having a good time no matter where you are.

We miss you today on your birthday but know there isn't a better place for you to be than doing your most favorite thing, hunting, with your dad, grandpa, and brother.

We love you!

Happy birthday!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mimi and Banka's House

There is always that place where you go and it just makes your heart happy. For me it's my parent's backyard. I don't know if it is the huge open fields, the enormous amount of grass, or the same playground that we played on as children. But that backyard screams memories and I hope its the same for my kids.

With trees older than most houses in the neighborhood, that are the most perfect for climbing, Milo finds himself pretending that he is spiderman and jumping from building to building.

Memories of that first climb UP the slide, and feeling like you just climb the biggest mountain in the world, and just hoping someone around you saw your amazing feat.

But the best memories are those being with your friends. Specifically those friends that just so happen to be your cousins.

I have memories in this exact backyard of our family get togethers with my Dad's 9 brothers and sisters and their kids. There were people everywhere and we were lucky enough to have several cousins close in age that we really did have our good friends at family parties.

Our families haven't grown that much yet, but we are lucky enough to have Josie here for a visit. And our buddies Ella and Asher close by for friends always around.

Clifford even joined us.

This swing set has been here for as long as I can remember. I may have broken one of the swings once...oops.... But they have been replaced over the years.

The free falling feeling of pumping your legs thru the air is the best!!

Saige loves her hair blowing in her face and begs to go higher and higher.

I may have joined in the feeling, crossing my fingers I didn't break another swing especially with Milo on my lap.

My camera seems to love that dear Josie. It could be that she is a ham and loves the camera but I like to think she just smiles for me!

This is my all time favorite picture of her. Shows her personality perfectly.

Sitting around, pretending I'm not there. Haha.

The weather has changed and the fun summer nights are not around anymore but we do have these memories. And now we are counting down till Christmas time for the Hewards to come back.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Sunday Drive

During this very very short time of year, the mountains just scream Matt's name. It's now hunting season, and his trip to Montana cannot come soon enough for him. Until then he gets his outdoor fix by visiting the mountains. Luckily he asked us to join him.

It was such a beautiful day, perfect weather and the leaves were gorgeous. Unfortunately everyone else thought so, and we saw way too many family pictures being taken. Although the most interesting was the lady who was driving in front of us, swerving off the road as she tried to take photos while she was driving!! (true story)

Saige is such a spitting image of her daddy, and has so many of the same interests he does- I think she also just likes to be around her Dad.

Milo and I sat in the warm truck, as the sun went down, and sang songs. We are both really good singers and complement each other's singing nicely. Hehe

Thanks Matt for the fun family outing! We loved it!