Friday, August 22, 2008

Not sure if I should be posting this....

Life has been so hecitc lately, I have completely neglected my blogging but Saige just said the funniest thing to me and because I was on the computer I thought I'd share the laughter with you all.....
..... After grunting in the corner for a moment she came running over,
Saige- "MOM MOM its a little guy its a little guy!!"
Me- " What is a little guy?"
Saige- "My Peeyou! (that is what she refers to her poop as)! Oh Mom i just love him!! I love him!! Can I see him?"
Me- Busted up laughing and still concerned why we love our poop and want to see them.
(And yes I let her see him)
Please tell me this is normal!?!?!


  1. I'm about to pee my pant right now! That's a new one on me! It's kinda cute, in a gross sort of way! LOL I really don't think there is a "normal" when it comes to our toddlers. This is one you'll ALWAYS want to remember!

  2. oh how we love that crazy little saige!!! we miss your kiddos so much!!!

  3. she is so dang cute, and as matt as her dad, the answer is yes it is normal:)

  4. HA HA HA....She is a doll! We need to get together!

  5. Seriously HILLARIOUS! I can just see your face when she was telling you about her poop. Holy cow, so cute! I miss you and love you!!! we really really really need to do lunch now that I am jobless. :(

  6. Oh shoot that is hilarious! I love that story. Of course you have to post comments like that. It gives us all something to laugh about and can't wait till our little ones say silly things like that.
